Online Classes: Learn German online

We offer a wide range of courses according to the proficiency level of the students, from beginner to advanced. We are committed to a communicative as well as task-based approach.

A special asset to our teaching is the blended learning option, where in addition to the normal classroom sessions, students will meet their teacher in a virtual classroom for more instruction and practice. Our course levels are in accordance with the European Framework of Reference from A1 to C2.

Blended Learning: Traditional classroom teaching combined with online learning

This is a fast paced program and the students progress quickly to the next level. Experience has shown that certain language skills can successfully be taught online like grammar, vocabulary and listening skills. Yet for acquiring speaking skills and oral communication ability, direct teacher student contact is by far more advantageous. Blended learning is a combination of direct teacher student contact and online learning.

We offer traditional language courses at school on Saturdays and give you the option to add an online class with your teacher that you can take from home.